[RA] Ch36 Emacs

Reading Assignment: All of Programming Ch36 Emacs

Why emacs or vim?

  • Stay In The Zone
  • Other productivity enhancing features
    • syntax highlighting
    • automatic indentation according to the structure of the language
  • The ability to interact with the debugger, the compilation/build tools, and revision control system.
  • a lot of flexibility

Emacs vocabulary


“an open file”


What you would think of as a “window”


A frame can be divided into several windows, each of which can display a different buffer.


where the text cursor is.


One location per buffer which, when set by the user, Emacs remembers until changed or cleared by the user. Commands which operate on regions of the buffer typically act on the region between the point and the mark.


C-X = hold Control key while pressing x


M- stands for Meta

ESC: press, release, hit other key
alt: hold down while press other key


Cut(as in cut-and-paste)





Return, Enter


The line below status bar.

For example, when you go to open a file, Emacs prompts you for the file name in the Minibuffer, and you type your answer there.

Major Mode

It defines its current behavior in these ways.

Minor Mode

Provide additional features or change functionality.

For example, a buffer for editing LaTeX source may be in LaTeX major mode, but may have the Flyspell minor mode, to provide spell checking as you type.

Balanced Expression

A region of text which typically has balanced delimiters(parenthesis, braces, etc).


The status line at the bottom of the frame, just above the Minibuffer.

Running Emacs

emacs # may call GUI emacs
emacs -nw # command line mode emacs

Files and Buffers

Command shortcut
Open (“visit”) file C-x C-f
Save current buffer C-x C-s
Kill(close) current buffer C-x k
Insert contents of another file C-x i
Save As [another name] C-x C-w
Recover file from autosave information M-x recover-file
Revert to last saved copy M-x revert-buffer
Quit Emacs C-x C-c
Suspend Emacs(to shell) Resume emacs after suspend C-z fg[at bash prompt]

C-x C-c is the way to close emacs, it will prompt you to save unsaved files before exiting.

C-z is the way to suspend many UNIX programs, including emacs, you can run fg to bring it back.

Cancel and Undo

Command Combination
Cancel C-g
Undo C-_ C-x u C-/
Resume undoing M-x undo-only
Undo in selected region only C-u C-_

If you entered a command incorrectly(including if you have entered a full command key combination, but it is prompting you for input, you can hit C-g to cancel it.

Resume Undoing means un-undo, often called redo. If you triggered undoing accidentally, you will be able to get things back by run M-x undo-only

Cut, Copy and Paste

Command Combination
Kill(cut) to end of line C-k
Set Mark(start selecting) C-Space
Copy selected region M-w
Kill(cut) selected region C-w
Kill to next occurrence of(char) M-z(char)
Kill next balanced expression C-M-k
Kill forwards word M-d
Kill backwards word M-DEL
Append next kill to previous C-M-w

Multiple Buffers

Command Combination
Change to other(open) buffer [then select buffer to change to] C-x b
Split window horizontally C-x 2
Split window vertivally C-x 3
Move between split window C-x o
Un-split all windows C-x 1
Remove current split window C-x 0
Make current split window taller C-x ^

Search and Replace

Command Combination
Incremental Search Forward C-s
Incremental Search Backwords > To repeat the search(find next/prev), press C-s or C-r again C-r
Search and Replace M-x replace-string
Query Replace M-%
Search and Replace Regexp M-x replace-regexp
Query Replace Regexp C-M-%

Programming Commands

Command Combination comment
Compile M-x comile The author recommend binging this to C-c C-v
Go to next error M-g n C-x ‘
Go to previous error M-g p
Complete current word > Replace completion with next choice M-/ M-/(two times)
Show semantic completion C-c SPACE Semantic
Show details of completions C-c l Semantic
Jump to function def(this file) C-c j Semantic
Jump to function def(any file) C-c J Semantic
Goto Line Number M-x goto-line
Indent Selected Region M-x indent-region C-M-/
Comment DWIM M-;

Advanced Movement

Command Combination
Move to the start of the line C-a
Move to the end of line C-e
Move to start of buffer M-<
Move to end of buffer M->
Forward by a word M-f
Backward by a word M-b
Return to mark(where you set it) C-u C-space
Forward by a balanced expression M-C-f
Backward by a balanced expression M-C-b
Start of line, past indentation M-m
Start of current function M-C-a
End of current function M-C-e

Keyboard Marcos

Command Combination
Start Defining Keyboard Macro C-x (
Finish Defining Keyboard Macro C-x )
Execute Macro C-x e
> Repeat Execution of Macro e[right after executing it]
Do macro to each line in a region M-x apply-macro-to-region-lines
Name last macro M-x name-last-kbd-macro

macro: a sequence of commands

Writing Text or LaTeX

Command Combination
Spell check word M-$
Spell check buffer interactively M-x ispell-buffer
Spell check buffer by coloring words M-x flyspell-buffer
Automatically color mis-spelled words M-x flyspell-mode


Undo in region