Reading Assignment: All of Programming Chapter 20 Introduction To Algorithms and Data Structures
Key to efficient algorithm:
- Correct data structure.
- Abstraction.
Big-O notiation
The formalization we use is Big-O notation, which considers the number of steps our algorithm must execute as a function of its input size, and considers the asymptotic behavior-what happens for large input sizes only-of that function, and ignores constant factors-it considers $f(N)=N$ and $f(N) = 3N$ to be the same.
What we do care about here is how the number of steps scales as the input size grows large. From this perspective, we care primarily about this asymptotic behavior for two reasons.
- Computers are really fast.
- If one functions grows faster than another by more than a constant factor, then for sufficiently large inputs, the faster growing function will exceed the more slowly growing function-and the gap between them will continue to increase as the input grows.
As big-O is a mathematical formalism, it has a mathematical definition:
$f(x)$ is $O(g(x)) \Leftrightarrow \exists { x }{ 0 },c,\forall x>{ x }{ 0 },f(x) \le c*g(x)$
Practical Big-O for Algorithms
- $O(1)$: constant time
- $O(lg^*N)$: log-star time
- $O(lg(N))$: logarithmic time
- $O(N)$: linear time
- $O(N \cdot lg(N))$: linerarithmic time
- $O(N^2)$: quadratic time
- $O(N^3)$: cubic time
- $O(N^4)$: quartic time
- $O(N^c)$: polynomial time
- $O(2^N)$: exponential time
- $O(N!)$: factorial time
Typical, Worst, or Amortized
One way that we might analyze the algorithm is to consider the typical case-what happens for most inputs. Another way that we might analyze the algorithm is to consider what the worst case is.
We can use Big-Oh notation to describe space requirements as well as time requirements.
Constant factors do matter. Consider these two algorithm:
- A executes $10,000,000N$ steps
- B executes $2N^2$ steps
Abstract Data Types
In the context of data structures, the abstraction arises from separating the Abstract Data Type from its concrete implementation. An Abstract Data Type defines the interface, it specifies what the data structure does, but says nothing about how it accomplishes those tasks.
A queue is a FIFO sequence of items. The primary operations of a queue are enqueue and dequeue.
Uses of Queues
Frequently, we find that we may wish to process one piece of data, and in processing that, it generates several next piece of data. We wish to immediately process all of those pieces of data before processing any of the “next” data that they generate.
ADT Definition
1 | template<typename T> |
You can read all about the queue class in C++’s STL online.
An Array or Vector Implementation
A stack is a Last-In-First-Out sequence of items.
Uses of Stacks
- Call stack
- Parsing
- Undo/redo.
ADT Definition
1 | template<typename T> |
An Array or Vector Implementation
A set is simply a collection of elements, much like those found in mathematics. By set in computer can not be infinite.
Uses of Sets
ADT Definition
1 | template<typename T> |
An Array or Vector Implementation
A map tracks a mapping from keys to values.
Uses of Maps
social networking site: user id to the value.
ADT Definition
1 | template<typename K, typename V> |
An Array or Vector Implementation
The approach that C++’s STL takes is to provide two different ways to find an element, with two different behaviors. The []
operator is overloaded to take a key, and return a reference to the corresponding value. If the key is not in the map already, the []
operator will add the key, with a default-constructed value, that is V()
to the map, and return a reference to the newly constructed value. Note there is no const overloading, as the operator modifies the map if the key is not found.